Thursday, March 5, 2009

Busy Busy Busy

I've had a busy week. I had a bit of a shock with my etsy shop yesterday, 8 sales in one day. I thought i'd been sneak attacked, but no, just a good day. I made up my own design for a lemon cake and not long after it was listed it sold, so i listed another one and that sold. I'm going to make a free tutorial for the lemon slices to put on here. I couldn't find any patterns for them so i ended up making my own. I'm also making up some truffles too.

I'm trying to get as much crafting done as possible as hubby is knocking down a wall tomorrow between the living and dining room, so there will be lots of mess. My son is having a work day at school. All the boys have to earn $30 for the day and give it to the school. Over 1000 boys, not bad money. If they don't earn the money they get a detention. So my son is helping hubby doing some demolition work. They're also going to knock down the wall by the driveway as i've nearly backed into it a few times!

I've found some awesome felt food patterns on etsy. One seller makes some lovely patterns

I love the face on the paper bag :) Get in quick as buy 2 get 1 free on the patterns at the moment!

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