Saturday, September 12, 2009

Swap-Bot Etsy Treasury

I've managed to snag another treasury and featured some items made by fellow swap-botters. There are some gorgeous items included. Here is the link if you want to check it out, i think the more clicks the more chance of being on the etsy front page? I'm sure i'll be making more as its really addictive! Mmmm i think i need to work a bit more on my cropping skills on paint. Its taken me a few days to find out how to get a picture of a treasury onto my blog!

The swap-botters featured are, Me (lisajhoney), Invisible, MissThundercat, Courtney, Rengawk, Momwithahook, Trinket, Freespirit66, Craftaddict02, ArtsyAthina, KatinaNavane and TangleCrafts


  1. great treasury! i love swap-bot! i just started there but have 4 swaps under my belt and it's been fun :)

  2. Hi!

    I am french and i like your blog.

    I invit you to my GIFT SWAP here :

    I hope you will be with us!
    Have a nice day
    Mama from France


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