Sunday, September 13, 2009

Felt Butterfly Cake

I've been sitting with my daughter all day as she's been sick in the night and through the day. As my son had his appendix out when he was 5, thats one of the things i worry about when anyone is vomitting and has bad stomach pain, we may be down to the doctors tomorrow. I decided to have a go at designing something i've been meaning to have a go at for a while, a felt butterfly cake. I remember making these with my mum when i was young, i think they're also called fairy cakes. My daughter loves to make them too, my son just loves to eat them!

Heres a picture of my creation, it hasn't turned out too bad, the felt paper casing was a bit of a challenge!

1 comment:

  1. I've never had a Butterfly cake, but it looks like it would be delicious! Excellent felt representation!


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