Friday, June 21, 2013

A Mad Hatters Tea Party

Yay! We finally have a moving in day Monday 1st July, can't wait to get all my goodies out of storage and get sewing again. We haven't seen our furniture and boxes since February 20th. The garden is a blank canvas, just lawn at the moment, my husband can't wait to get stuck in making it look nice with lots of flowers. Went for a job interview this morning so hoping I will hear something positive next week. They want someone ASAP so if I get the job I could be starting the day after we move into the house.

When we get settled my daughter and I want to have a mad hatters tea party with some friends. I found some great ideas on Pinterest.

Love this tea stand

These look fun

Would love to have a go at making these fun cupcakes

Some invitations

A bit beyond me

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