Monday, May 27, 2013

Missing Doctor Who

Season 7 has now been over for a week and i'm missing it already. Can't wait for the 50th anniversary in November. Who is John Hurt? Doctor zero, 9 or someone else?  Loving the mysteries that they give us each season. The best mystery so far for me was River Song. Hope we haven't seen the last of the Doctors wife, such a great charactor.  I've been looking for a present for my daughter who is a big Doctor Who fan and found some wonderful goodies.

I love these Tardis string lights from Amazon
 Fun Timey Wimey necklace on Etsy by GeekQueenDesings
For me, I must have this Tardis teapot from The Gift and Gadget Store
The saddest part in Doctor Who, number 10's goodbye to Rose. Badge by Thingamajiggies
A cute coin purse by cottonlicious

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