Thursday, May 2, 2013

Back Home

After a busy few months of finishing renovating our house in New Zealand and finally selling it we are back home in the UK. We stopped off in Hong Kong for a week, which was amazing. We've moved back to Hastings where all my family live. It feels so right to be back home again. At the moment we are house and job hunting. Last weekend we had fun on the seafront playing crazy golf. I didn't do too well.


I've relisted my patterns on Etsy and as soon as we move into a new home I will be busy making
more felt food pattern. Any ideas are welcome. I'm missing sewing, all my supplies are currently sailing towards the UK.  Just before leaving New Zealand I bought some felt doll patterns on etsy, gingermelon I can't wait to have a go when we move, I've made the Mad Hatter so Alice will have to be next

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