Saturday, April 7, 2012

April 7th Fibrous

The member to be featured today is Fibrous who creates quirky felted critters They've been handsculpted out of soft merino wool. Each wool sculptures are one-of-a-kind, each with their own personality.

Fibrous says "I've always loved fiber. I started my crafting love with a huge latch rug kit I never finished. Then I started doing cross stitch, then plastic canvas work, crochet, knitting, etc. I still knit, but the art of need felting has taken over.

I'm originally from Los Angeles, lived in the UK for the past 4 years, and have just arrived back home to the USA"

Here are some treasuries made by the team inspired by Fibrous GThreads - So Cuddly and Warm Hearted, LoveNYarn - Stonehenge and all Things English and one from me Fun and Quirky

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