Thursday, April 5, 2012

5th April 4GetMeNotTreasures

Today is the turn of our fearless leader, captain 4GetMeNotTreasures to be featured and promoted for the day. Dee has kept the team going, especially when we lost our home in the Etsy forums. In this lovely Etsy shop you will find vintage treasures and heirlooms. I also love the handmade diorama eggs and cross stitch pictures.

Dee says "I’ve always loved collecting things. I’ve been collecting ever since I can remember – and the older I get, the worse the compulsion is. It’s in the genes. My Grandmother & Grand Aunt were both “antiquers” – well… aunt collected just about anything. And…my Mom collected anything AND everything & this apple did not fall far from that tree!

Add to the collecting bug that I am an extreme sentimentalist – or as some would say – a pack rat. I save just about everything! I love junk…it almost always turns out to be quite the treasure (at least in my eyes). In my spare time (what little I have) I like to craft (usually using some “junk”), cross stitch & garden (where you’ll see more “junk”). 
Mom and I loved to shop flea markets, second-hand stores, antique stores, garage sales and – auctions (you’ve got the idea!). She had so many plans for us and our collecting frenzies but unfortunately passed on before we could see any of it come to fruition together.

4Get-Me-Not Treasures is in a sense, a tribute to mom. Her favorite flower, combined with the promise that I will forget-her¬-not – nor the promises, dreams, and times we shared. She and I can still work together side-by-side while in different worlds. What more could anyone ask for?"

Some awesome treasuries created by the team inspired by Dee. Forget Me Not Treasures by Intenational Glass, Elegance in Black and Gold by LoveNYarn, A Tribute To A Great Captain by GThreads, Forget Me Not by FrogHollowGlass, another Forget Me Not by lisajhoney and Shades Of Green by masterymixedmedia

1 comment:

  1. Thanks, Lisa, for writing such a great blog about the Captain of the Daily Listing Club. She is a wise person, and willing to share her wisdom and insight with her friends. One could not ask for more.


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