Monday, September 20, 2010

My Newest Items - Something Different

Thought i'd make something different to the felt food and ended up making some hanging ornaments and magnets. So far the toadstool, cupcake and bird, hopefully this week an acorn and owl. Owls seem to be very popular at the moment.

I've also been busy with cupcakes and muffins and am hoping to make a batch of six muffins this week. When i was little my mum used to make awesome fairy/butterfly cakes and i managed to make a set out of felt. I'm quite pleased with the outcome. Here is a recipie for the real thing, plus a photo of my felt creation.

4oz soft margarine
4oz caster sugar
2 egs
4oz self-raising flour
1 tsp baking powder

6oz butter
12oz icing sugar, sifted

Pre-heat the oven to 200C/400F/Gas 6. Get about 18 paper cases ready.
Measure all the ingredients into a large bowl and beat well for 2-3minutes until the mixture is well blended. Half fill the paper cases with mixture.

Bake for about 15-20 minutes until the cakes are well risen and golden brown. Allow to cool.
For the icing beat the butter until it is soft, add the Icing sugar and mix until smooth.
Cut a slice from the top of each cake and cut this slice n half. Pipe a swirl of butter cream into the centre of each cake and place the half slices into the butter cream at a fairy like wings.

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