Monday, August 2, 2010

New banners and lots to make

I'm trying to revamp both my etsy shops but its a slow process. This week i've purchased new banners for both my shops, both very cute. I'm also trying to take new and better photos of my items. From the listing club i'm a member of i've been learning a lot about tagging my items from 4GetMeNotTreasures so thats next on the list to sort out.

Here are a few new items in my shops

The sun is trying to come out here in New Zealand so i'm hoping that winter is nearly out. I'm very excited as next July i'll be going out for a holiday to the UK for 4 weeks (i'm trying to stretch it out to five) I'll be avoiding the worst of winter here and catching the summer in the UK

1 comment:

  1. I like your pics :-)
    The sunshine sounds like a nice idea - all fog and rain still here :-)


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