Monday, January 4, 2010

Princess Nimble Thimble - Bendy Dolls

I came across this gorgeous etsy shop Princess Nimble Thimble a while ago. Dannielle makes such a wonderful selection of dolls that are perfect for little ones and adults. I decided to order six of these dolls. One for my daughter, one for my mum and auntie and three for me. As Dannielle accepts custom orders i had a great time checking out her facebook fan page and working out my favourite dolls. It was actually quite hard to make a choice as there were a lot I really liked. These are the ones I chose in the end.

My daughter loved the toadstool little girl and I wanted the little pink fairy and one of the pirates. The young lady in the middle is for my antique shop that my husband has been making for me. I'm waiting for him to finish it (its been three years now!)
My auntie has a crush on Captian Jack Sparrow so I had to get her a pirate and the little lilac fairy is for my mum. My mum and auntie live on the other side of the world so i'm collecting together seven little presents each one to open every day of the week.

Here are a few gorgeous little dolls that are available in Dannielles shop now.

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