Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Time To Play - Felt Food Wedding Cake

I finally finished my felt food wedding cake. Many hours work but i'm really pleased with it. Each tier is split into slices which are have small pieces of velcro on to hold them together. Inside the slice you can see the layer of icing and marzipan. On top is a layer of icing and topped with roses to decorate. I'm letting the customer choose the colour of roses they would like.

I can just picture a little one handing out plates of wedding cake to her little "guests" I also thought it would make a great centrepiece for a bridal shower.


  1. Hi
    I stumbled on your blog whilst searching for a felt cake tute to make some for my daughters for Christmas. That wedding cake is absolutely incredible! And totally beautiful. Love it. Will have to spend some time in your Etsy shop tomorrow :o)
    Cotton Kiwi

  2. your creations are amazing, do you sell within NZ rather than paying in USD via etsy, I would love some sushi and the loaf of bread

  3. Hiya gabrielle, yes i can sell within NZ. Email me on



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