Monday, August 17, 2009

Frog Prince

I just received this little chap in the post, and love him, so cute. I won him in a giveaway on facebook I kissed him, but alas, no Prince :(

I had a look again at Dawns etsy shop and had to share these cuties with you


  1. Adorable little frog! Just wanted to let you know Moopy is featuring on my blog at the moment. I'm going to have to take him everywhere! He's already been kissed by a celebrity! (that will be a future post though)
    Hope you're well, Cat x

  2. awe shucks, ;) Thanks again for entering the giveaway and posting about the shop!:0) I really appreciate your support and encouragement lisa! :) and Cat- thanks for the compliment as well ;) ~Dawn


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